The School Assistance Scheme (SAS) is an education subsidy provided for Malay/Muslims students from disadvantaged families who are attending MENDAKI-funded tuition programmes.
It aims to complement existing schemes provided at the national level such as MOE’s Financial Assistance Scheme. We encourage you to apply for the national financial schemes to get more comprehensive support in your children’s education journey. Please find the list of the schemes at
Eligibility Criteria
Student must be a Malay/Muslim Singaporean or Permanent Resident.
Registered in the MENDAKI Tuition Scheme (MTS)/ Collaborative Tuition Programme (CTP).
Income eligibility that fits at least one of the criteria below:
Have gross monthly Per Capita Income (PCI) ≤ $750
Only one application is needed per family (i.e. if the parent has multiple children, the parent needs to apply once only).
To apply, please prepare the following documents:
Approval letter of at least one of these schemes (2024 or 2025):
MENDAKI will process and consider all applications
Applications take between 2 and 4 weeks to process provided all necessary documents have been submitted.
MENDAKI reserves the right to:
Reject application which does not meet the eligibility criteria and/or is incomplete.
Request for additional supporting documents
Disbursement of SAS will be carried in two parts (table below). Only students who obtained at least 80% attendance in MTS/CTP will qualify for the 2nd disbursement.
Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy(TTFS) - ITE