Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) 
The Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) Scheme, introduced in 1991, offers support for eligible students by covering their tuition fees at local government tertiary institutions. TTFS was established through an annual government grant to Yayasan MENDAKI.  Since 1 January 2011, students with Malay / Indonesian Extract as their first component of a double-barreled race became eligible for the scheme.  

Eligibility Criteria  
  • Student is a Singapore Citizen, or a Singapore Permanent Resident with at least one parent who is a Singapore Citizen. 
  • Student’s race or the first component of the double-barreled race is Malay / Indonesian Extract. This includes Acehnese, Ambonese, Banjarese, Batak, Boyanese, Bugis, Butonese, Dayak, Dusun, Iban, Indonesia, Javanese, KadazanKelabitMakasarese, Melanau, Minangkabau, Murut, Sumatran, Sundanese, and Indonesia Extract. 
  • Student’s monthly household per capita income (PCI) does not exceed $2,000. 
  • Student is receiving MOE Tuition Grant. 
  • Student is pursuing first full-time diploma at the following local government tertiary institution: 
  • BCAA (Diploma courses only) 
  • ITE (Technical diploma/Technical Engineering Diploma courses only) 
  • Polytechnics (NP, NYP, RP, SP, TP) 
  • LASALLE, NAFA (Selected courses eligible for MOE tuition grant only) 
  • Student is pursuing their first full-time degree at the following local government tertiary institution: 
  • Universities (NTU, NUS, SIT, SMU, SUSS, SUTD) 
  • LASALLE, NAFA (Selected courses eligible for MOE tuition grant only) 

Subsidy Amount 
Per Capita Income (PCI)* Percentage of Subsidy** 
PCI $1,400 and below 100% 
PCI $1,401 – $1,700 75% 
PCI $1,701 – $2,000 50% 
*PCI is computed as: Total monthly gross income of family in same household/Total number of family members in same household 
**TTFS subsidise tuition fees only. Other fees such as miscellaneous fees, examination fees, study tour, or overseas exchange programmes will not be covered under TTFS. Subsidised tuition fee for Singapore Permanent Resident will be based on prevailing Singapore Citizen tuition fee rate.  
Students whose PCI is more than $2,000 or are in receipt of partial subsidy (50% or 75%) under TTFS may apply for the Supplementary Assistance Scheme to fund the balance fees through a short-term study loan.  


Polytechnics, ITE (TED), BCA Academy (Diploma)NAFA & *SUSS*Universities & LASALLE
Application Period I:Application Period I:Application Period I:
15 Feb 2024 – 30 Apr 202415 May 2024 – 15 Jul 20241 Jun 2024 – 30 Jul 2024
Application Period II:Application Period II:Application Period II:
15 Sep 2024 – 31 Oct 202421 Nov 2024 – 15 Jan 202521 Nov 2024 – 15 Jan 2025
 * Second application period for SUSS will close on 8 Jan 2025* Second application period for universities will close on 15 Dec 2024
Students who apply during Application Period I will receive TTFS from Semester 1 of that Academic Year (AY) onwards. Applications made during Application Period II will receive TTFS from Semester 2 of that AY onwards. Refer to table below.  
Application made during Application Period I Semester 1 onwards 
Application made during Application Period II Semester 2 onwards 

TTFS is a one-time application and students do not need to submit a new application unless there is a change of course/institute, or student is on Leave of Absence for more than year.  

Disbursement of Subsidy 
Upon approval of the TTFS application, the education institution will be informed. Once your institution confirms that you are eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant, they will receive payment of your tuition fee from Yayasan MENDAKI. No further action is required at your end. 

Important Notes 
Upon successful submission, it will take up to 7 weeks to process the application. All applicants are required to check their email regularly for updates on their application if there are insufficient documents. Applicants will receive an email once their application is processed.  

Watch the video here to find out how to apply for TTFS.


The Government will review the income criteria periodically. MENDAKI may exercise flexibility in approving subsidies for families with extenuating circumstances, such as those supporting more than one child for tertiary education or families which may have members with chronic medical problems. This appeal mechanism will continue to function. 

Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS) - SUSS
  • Registration Open Date :
  • Registration Close Date :
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