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Our Details

(* = Mandatory Field)
Thank you for your consideration to donate to the less fortunate among us. Here are other options for you to give besides PayNow and credit/debit card.


  • 1. You may donate via directly to our DBS Current Account.
    1. a. Bank Account Name: Yayasan MENDAKI – Education Trust Fund
    2. b. Account Number: 0279005483
  • 2. Under Payment Details, kindly enter: NRIC no. Name Mobile no. e.g. S1234567A Ali 90123456



  • 1. Kindly download and complete the GIRO form here.
  • 2. Please click Contact Us and fill in the mandatory fields.
  • 3. In the mandatory field, for Topic, please select Donations / Fundraising.
  • 4. Please attach your approved GIRO form and submit.


  • 1.Kindly issue a crossed cheque to “Education Trust Fund”.
  • 2. Please mail the cheque to:

    Wisma MENDAKI
    Education Trust Fund
    51 Kee Sun Avenue
    Singapore 457056

  • 3. On a separate paper to be included with your cheque, remember to give us:
    1. a. Your/donor’s full name as in NRIC/FIN
    2. b. Your/donor’s NRIC/FIN (if you/donor would like automatic tax deduction)
    3. c. The name of a contact person (if different from the donor)
    4. d. Your/contact person’s handphone and email address for us to get in touch if we have any queries