About the Campaign

Spread the joy this festive season and gift your Raya packets to underprivileged children to support their education.

We seek your support for the Education Trust Fund (ETF), a community driven fund that supports the educational needs of students from low-income families. ETF administers schemes such as the ETF - ITE Start-Up Cost and Big Heart Student Care Subsidy.

These schemes aim to complement existing national schemes such as the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme.

You can make a difference by donating today. Your contribution will go towards helping us provide educational resources for these students so they can get ahead in life. With your support, we can make their dreams come true.

All contributions to this campaign will be matched with a dollar-for-dollar matching grant.. All donations above $20 will also be eligible for a 250% tax deduction.

Double your impact in transforming the lives of disadvantaged students by making a donation today!

May you be rewarded for your kindness and generosity. We would also like to wish all our muslim donors a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.


Yayasan MENDAKI (Council for the Development of Singapore Malay/Muslim Community) is a pioneer Self-Help Group formed in 1982 dedicated to empower the community through excellence in education, in the context of a multi-racial and multi-religious Singapore. In 2002, MENDAKI streamlined its focus along four key areas of Education, Youth, Family and Employability.

MENDAKI helps to administer the Education Trust Fund (ETF), a community-driven fund that supports the education needs of children from disadvantaged Malay/Muslim families to ensure that every child gets the resources to succeed in school.

Donations raised for ETF will be used to fund ETF programmes that aims to supplement existing national schemes. Your assistance can help these students perform better in school and achieve their dreams.

Spread the joy and gift your Raya packets for education!
raised from 6 donors
7.14% of $30,000.00 -78 more days
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